
Solar Dryer with Biomass Backup Heater for Drying Fruits: Development and Performance Analysis
- Research
In this paper, KNUST and MIT D-Lab researchers detail their research on the development and design of a solar dryer with biomass backup heater for drying fruits.
Rice Cultivation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Review and Conceptual Framework with Reference to Ghana
- Research
This paper reviews various studies on the impact of rice cultivation on greenhouse gas emissions. Based on the review, researchers from IDIN Academic Partner KNUST developed a conceptual framework that evaluates the impact of rice cultivation on greenhouse gas emissions in Ghana.
IDIN Program Impact Report 2012-2016
- IDIN Communications
IDIN's program impact report demonstrates what the program and its partners have achieved together from 2012-2016.
IDIN Program Impact Report 2012-2016
- IDIN Communications
IDIN's program impact report demonstrates what the program and its partners have achieved together from 2012-2016.
Learning to Adapt: A Case Study of a Climate Change Pilot Project in Shaanxi, China
- Research
This report and case study presents the research of IDIN 2016 Summer Research Fellow Jessica Gordon, who researched an innovative poverty alleviation and climate adaptation pilot project in a village in rural western China. The case study finds that the project was effective in influencing the local development plan for the area to take into consideration climate change adaptation and mitigation and to link these issues to poverty reduction, making this the first county in China to develop a climate resilient local development plan.
Assembly Traders as Supply Chain Integrators for Smallholder Farmers
- Research
This report summarizes the research of 2016 IDIN Summer Research Fellows Kate Collins and Bar Pereg, who conducted research on the role of assembly traders in the value chains for smallholder maize production in Uganda. This report identifies three key barriers that currently prevent smallscale agregators from playing a more beneficial role in the supply chain and also identifies several promising and innovative local initiatives that are piloting solutions to the key challenges identified.
Ghanaian Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Research
This undergraduate thesis presents the results of 28 in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs and local innovators in four cities across Ghana. The thesis explores the motivations and backgrounds of these entrepreneurs, the factors that have led them to create their own businesses, and structural enablers and barriers to local innovation in the Ghanaian context. This research builds on fieldwork conducted by the co-authors through the IDIN Summer Research Fellowship.