General Interest

Zasaka: Impact Evaluation Research Design Recommendations

  • Student Papers

This report was prepared by students in the Fall 2015 D-Lab: Field Research class to provide Zasaka with research design recommendations for their impact evaluation research.


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WeSMS Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the WeSMS team designed a low-tech ICT solution that provides relevant market information to enhance sales opportunities. For more information about this project, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Milk-e-Way Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Milk-e-Way team designed a demand aggregation and health tracking system that supports livestock supply chains in rural areas. For more information about this project, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Rah-e-Maa Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Rah-e-Maa team created a hotline for fathers to ask a doctor’s advice for questions they may have about maternal health. For more information about this project, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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ASAP Project Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Automatic SMS Attendance Program (ASAP) team designed a database of students' attendance dynamics that also enables schools to manage communications between the school's administration and parents. For more information, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Hello Teacher Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Darth Guavaders team designed an ICT system for teachers to enhance classroom engagement in English. For more information about this project, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Asan Rasta Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Spicy Hath team designed a USSD-based tracking system with lady health workers to identify households in need of polio vaccinations, plan needed visits, and record immunization data. For more information about this project, visit

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

Author: IDDS Lahore Spicy Hath Team

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IDIN Summer Research Fellows Report- Indonesia and Malaysia

  • Research

This report summarizes the work of IDIN Summer Research Fellow Kelly Heber Dunning, who traveled to Malaysia and Indonesia during Summer 2015 to study community-based approaches to managing coastal natural resources such as coral reefs and mangroves. This research, which forms part of Kelly's doctoral dissertation, finds that community-based resource management arrangements afford greater opportunities for innovation in natural resource management and sustainable livilihood development compared to top-down management arrangements.

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PET Bottle Strip Cutter

  • Student Papers

Trash is a big problem in Sao Paulo, Brazil. UC Davis students Ryan Pang and Daniel Quinn from D-Lab have worked to design and prototype a PET Bottle Strip Cutter for Miguel Chavez in the Innovation Center-Vila Nova Esperanca. The problem with the existing bottle strip cutter currently used by the center is that the design will not allow for adjustments to be made in the size of the plastic string created and is not set up for different sized plastic bottles. Cutting bottles into strands of plastic is important because the string can then be woven to make items such as chairs, green houses, fencing, and more. These products can generate income to improve the lives of people living in poverty. Additionally, in improving this design we can decrease the amount of plastic trash accumulation by repurposing it to create desirable goods.

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IDIN Summer Research Fellows Report-Ghana

  • Research

This report presents the research of two IDIN Summer Research Fellows, Grace Connors and Jessie Press-Williams, who traveled to Ghana during the summer of 2015 to conduct exploratory interviews with local innovators in Accra, Kumasi, and Tamale. The report contains their research findings as well as profiles of 31 Ghanaian entrepreneurs of varying ages and backgrounds. 

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