Organizer Toolbox

For those who are organizing a summit, there is a suite of resources availble to help you co-create the summit of your hopes and dreams:

  • IDDS Culture - a list of our values, views, and the type of culture we promote at IDDS.
  • IDDS Prep Book - a guide to help you and your team co-create and plan your IDDS.
  • IDDS Curriuclum Guidean overview of the IDDS curriculum and typical activies.  Each curriuclum can and should be adapted to your local context.  This is accessible to organizers only.  If you are not an organizer, please send an email request to the IDDS committee at
  • IDDS Design Workbook - the participant workbook used at the summit. 
  • IDDS Build-Its  - a list of the build-its we have done in the past as well as links to external databases with similar activities.  Feel free to add your own!
  • IDDS Projects - a listing of the projects from past IDDSs.
  • IDDS Design Facilitator Google Hangouts - this series of google hangouts walks you through the elements of design facilitaton in line with the IDDS Design Workbook.  We are currently in the process of adding more topics as well as adding brief video and/or PPT summaries for each live hangout for more convenient viewing. 
  • IDDS Tool Rolls + Materials List - a list of what typically goes into an IDDS tool rool as well as a list of materials good to have on hand.  The list will need to be modified depending on the activities you choose to do at your IDDS.
  • IDDS Lessons Learned - a prized collection of the lessons learned from past summits.  Might be worth taking a glance at before you begin planning ;)
  • Connections to the Network - a list of ways to reach out to the fellow IDIN members across the globe for whatever your need may be!
  • Documentation Expectations - we want to keep sharing the love with the rest of IDDS.  Here are the 5 things we need from you by 2 weeks after a summit to help IDDS continue to learn and grow.